It is quite easy to alert or wake a human within seconds or minutes
with phone text messaging, to provide real world emergency response
services. Phone texting is currently available right this minute, by
automatic methods on HF 24/7, covering most of the North America
region, and vast areas of the world. And it continues to expand,
through the generous efforts of individual operators giving their time
and money and resources. 

But, where are the manual operators providing such 24/7 access for
emergency service?

Greg, put your money where your mouth is. 
I already have. And so have a bunch of operators.

Time to step up to the plate...
Please show us your army of volunteer 24/7 operators providing
immediate emergency access on HF.

If you can't do what you say you can do, then either step down from
your soapbox, get out of the way, and yield to those who are already
doing it.

73 Bonnie VR2/KQ6XA

> Greg KC7GNM wrote:
> Bonnie you keep forgetting one important factor in your automatic
> scenario. There has to be a human on either end to 1) send the message
> and 2) to read the message. What is the winlink station going to do?
> Automatically send food and water? 

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