> Greg KC7GNM wrote: 
> The point is Bonnie I have seen digital radio going down the tubes
> thanks to winlink.  ...
> I don't think they need more space to operate in.  
> They already are a menace in the auto sub bands as it is. 


Digital radio has been progressing tremendously. 

I operate every day in the auto sub bands, in various parts of the
world. I have never found "winlink" to be anything like the menace you
say it is. In fact, it appears to be one of the very few entities that
provides such wonderful service to a huge number of hams every day. 

Automatic operation is essential to HF emcomm. It is certainly not
asking too much that 10% of each ham band be devoted to one of the
primary purposes for the existence of the Amateur Radio Service.
Greg, where is your volunteer force of non-automatic operators
providing 24/7 emergency service on HF? 

Bonnie VR2/KQ6XA

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