So tell me (and others)  how  someone operating a mode with
a waterfall display and seeing a signal (so be it a pactor signal)
QRM that ongoing keyboard to keyboard QSO?

It seems to be that *any* pactor signal is fair game for anyone
that   *only*  knows that is a pactor signal to QRM it.

John, W0JAB

At 07:06 PM 1/16/2008, you wrote:
>1.  A Robot shall not harm a human being (including QRMing a human 
>being) or, through inaction, allow a human being to be harmed or QRMed.
>2.  A Robot must obey the orders of a human being but only if such order 
>does not conflict with the First Law.
>3.  A Robot must protect its existence, but only if such protection does 
>not conflict with the First or Second Laws.
>So, you see, when a Pactor robot QRMs others, it is violating the First 
>Law.  Can't do that.
>Hey, sorry for the sad attempt at humor.  Some of my best friends are 
>de Roger W6VZV

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