Looking at the mode as a QAM constellation with several speeds, if using 
an SSB transmitter and sending an image (fax) and excluding the 
bandwidth part, for HF using an SSB suppressed carrier with a quantized 
or digital signal with sub carrier and sending facsimile it would likely 
be J2C?

And for VHF, and I assume you mean FM, which gives the much larger 
bandwidth,  FM angle modulation sending a quantized or digital signal 
with sub carrier and sending facsimile or F2C? Or with a phase modulator 
using the G symbol as you suggest?

If sending Data instead of image, then the third symbol changes from C 
(fax) to D (data) except that I am not sure if F2D is considered to be 
Data here in the U.S. as it does not seem to be listed as one of the FCC 
approved ITU emission classifications for "data."

The multi-channel second symbol selection of 7 may only be for much more 
complicated multi streams not normally used on amateur equipment.

Maybe others have more knowledge of this?


Rick, KV9U

Rui Manuel wrote:
> Hello All
> Just curios about the emission designator of EasyPal because I have some
> doubts how this mode should be classified.
> For instance in HF Bands maybe 2K5J7D_ _ ?? or 2K5G7D_ _ ?? 2K5F7D ??
> And for Vhf 12K5F7D_ _ ?? or 12K5G7D or 12K5Q7D and so on.
> Can anyone give me a help on this?
> Thanks from 

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