I'll have to agree with Russell that I have not seen hostility here toward
If I may offer some constructive criticism, not meant as an attack. When you
start a message with "what you have is nice but WE have..." you are likely
to engender a defensive reaction. 
Addressing the issue of packet, you certainly are aware that better
protocols exist for use on HF. That is one of the goals of ham radio to
experiment and develop new technologies. PSKMail is a very positive
illustration of this. They created one means of providing a messaging
capability that has evolved to utilize new capabilities as they became
available. The NBEMS is similarly positioned to lever new developments. 
Packet has technical shortcomings that have been addressed by other
protocols. Why not take advantage of the newer capabilities?
 - 73 - 
Rud Merriam K5RUD
ARES AEC Montgomery County, TX 
http://TheHamNetwork.net <http://thehamnetwork.net/>  

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Brabham [mailto:n5...@uspacket.org] 
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 3:45 PM
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Pskmail Server in U.S.

Group members will have to forgive a few members here who appear to harbor
some personal hostility regarding the SkipNets, and Packet radio in general.
To find out more about the SkipNets without getting flames stirred up here,
please contact me off-list for details.
As it stands today, the Skipnets transport miscellaneous bulletin traffic to
keep the system exercised. There is some personal messaging, but there is a
great deal of underutilized capacity for more point-to-point messaging
between amateurs.
No non-ham or 3rd-party traffic is transported by the Skipnets, but
ham-to-ham communications are definately encouraged.
A new HF network roughly modeled on the SkipNets is currently under
development, but the first servers will probably not appear for some months
yet. There are still numerous issues to resolve. In the mean-time,
participation in the SkipNets are a good way to get up to speed on the basic
concepts behind a global, independent, all-ham radio communications network.
Again, due to the hostility here, please take all comments and questions
off-list. Contact me personally at: n5...@uspacket.org
- Or stop by at http://www.uspacket.org where there is a forum.
73 DE Charles, N5PVL

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