
I often need to get the data off of a dead computer and move it to the new one. 
 The best way to do in my experience is simply to attach the old drive as a 
slave to the new one and start draggin' and droppin'.

Once the old HDD detects in your new PC, go to the appropriate folders.  You'll 
probably want at least My Documents, Desktop, Favorites, email files, and 
odd-n-ends laying around, like saved games.

Using programs to backup and restore (i.e. Files & Settings Transfer Wizard), 
or swapping old Windows HDD onto new PC, simply doesn't work as well.

You can't move Windows over, as Microsoft deems that the license goes with the 
machine ('specially OEM like Dell, etc.)  And most programs have to be 
installed and can't be moved.  Too many files and registry entries to do so 
safely.  And honestly, if it's been a while since you've re-installed Windows 
on the old PC, you're better off with a fresh one.

Fast, effective, easy data and O/S moves is a bane for computer techs.  Are 
there alternatives someone can offer?.  (Something they've tried themselves, no 
CNET reviews or GOOGLE search results please!)

Since this isn't a computer help forum, I'm wondering if we should take this 

f, k2ncc

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