This is really great work. I think you might be able to save a few
extra bytes by dropping the closing tag when creating single elements.
jQuery will add them for you.

$('<div>') and $('<iframe>')

Instead of this:
$('<div></div>') and $('<iframe></iframe>')

Brandon Aaron

On 2/23/07, Brice Burgess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ladies and Gentleman of the jQuery,
>   ...errr, more so the Gentleman...
> I am happy to bring you jqModal r7, codenamed "listen". R7 is a major
> feature enhancer, and brings about some API changes and parameter
> reduction. I recommend upgrading & porting your existing code to the new
> version... well worth the added flexibility // maintaining support.
> Plugin Page;
> I've updated the examples, and included a demonstration on overriding
> alert() + confirm() dialogs.
> Here's what has changed;
> ---
>   +  Added $.jqmShow, $.jqmHide to manually hide/show dialogs
>   +  Added $.jqmAddTrigger and $.jqmAddClose to bind show/hide to elements
>   +  Added onLoad callback (called after ajax return)
>   +  Added support for handling multiple dialogs @ once across ALL functions
>   -  Removed auto-fire parameter, replaced via $(e).jqm().jqmShow()
>   -  Removed $.jqmClose()
>   -  Removed "wrapClass" parameter, updated base CSS
>   *  CSS z-index value takes priority over "zIndex" parameter
>   *  Triggers can hide, show, or hide AND show jqModals
>   *  Overlays+IE6 iframe are now fixed positioned - support for ie6
> quirks + standards mode
>   *  Internal Improvements, no event data
> Well, I guess we now have the EXT widgets to look forward to :) .. but
> the good news is that I was able to accomplish all these changes in <
> 120 bytes -- so we're still looking at a < 3k full featured dialog plugin.
> Enjoy,
> ~ Brice
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