Here some random thoughts. 

It occurs to me that you could do something like Creative Commons, for 
instance: the "Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported" license has a 
proper legal document at   but they also have 
the "Human readable summary"  
where they say "This is a human-readable summary of the Legal Code (the full 
license)."  I'm pointing at this, because the human-readable summary is 
probably what you really need non-legal people to read, and what people would 
be more interested in, since it makes sense, because most of us are not 
lawyers. The point being that it might be possible to get people curious about 
a full T&C through a human-readable version, and it might be actually a better 
way to introduce people to legal terms. 



----- Original Message -----
From: McLaughlin Designs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, October 27, 2008 4:46 am
Subject: [IxDA Discuss] Terms and Conditions with a twist

> I am looking for sample of Terms and Conditions acceptance with 
> a bit of a twist.
> Generally when I have set up T&C acceptance in the past, there 
> is a scrollable box with all the legal text followed by either a 
> check box to say that you have read/accept the T&C or there are 
> radio button for “yes” and “no” about accepting them. In either 
> case a person never has to actually read, or even scroll to the 
> bottom of, the T&C text. The common stuff...
> However I have a client that will not accept (no pun intended) 
> this. Their legal team is insisting that the user is forced to 
> at least reach the bottom of the T&C before they can accept 
> them. They do understand that this does not mean that anyone had 
> read the text, but they want to be able to say that at least 
> someone has been forced to reach the end of the text before 
> accepting it.
> While I have some ideas about how to go about this, I was 
> wondering if anyone knew of some sample that are online now that 
> are doing this.
> BTW – This is not something that is arguable with the legal team 
> about not having this capability.
> Thanks -
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