Douglas St.Clair wrote:
> To see if compliance might be the issue then why not test a few of the
> pages that have given trouble on the website with their tools?

I'm a little embarassed I forgot to try anything like that, and you've 
hit the nail right on the head.  Instead of submitting anything i simply 
tried the copy/paste to Writer from compliant coders.  I tried their own 
pages at w3c and also went to another site I knew claimed to be 
compliant.  And, they created definitely usable documents.
  As much as they get bashed for it, there are times when Quirks Modes 
turns out more useful than I thought, I guess. And why MS's code isn't 
compliant either<g>.  The latest junk experience came from trying to get 
some of Dell's support pages for posterity.

Okay, so:  What can I do to make it a workable situation for Writer at V 
3?  Any suggestions at all? I'm not stealing copyright material; I just 
want to assemble some Support paperwork on disk for future Dell TSing. 
Am I stuck with Word for the time being?



> On Feb 17, 2009, at 8:49 PM, John Thompson wrote:
>> On 2009-02-17, Twayne <> wrote:
>>> John Thompson wrote:
>>>> Are the pages you are pasting into OOo W3C compliant, or do they
>>>> contain proprietary markup of some kind?
>>> No idea.  I doubt many sites are W3C compliant actually.  What's the
>>> point?
>> Perhaps the OOo rendering engine doesn't like non-compliant HTML?

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