I created a file named t.py and wrote what you wrote.
In the first step, I see this :
C:\Python27\MyFiles>t.py a one and a two
Argument 0 is   C:\Python27\MyFiles\t.py

2012/6/18 Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com>

> On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 15:54:39 -0700 (PDT), stikic <sti...@gmail.com>
> declaimed the following in gmane.comp.python.django.user:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I installed django and added it to my PATH in windows. When I run
> > django-admin.py startproject mysite as follows, I get error. How can I
>         What error?
> > solve this?:
> > C:\Python27\MyFiles\mysite>C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\django\bin
> > \django-admin
> > .py startproject mysite
> > Usage: django-admin.py subcommand [options] [args]
> >
> > Options:
>         This appears to be the normal command line help given when
> parameters are not found
>        The cut&paste above doesn't help as one can't determine if the ".py"
> on the next line is a result of an accidental space after django-admin.
>        The OTHER candidate is that Windows sometimes has trouble passing
> command line arguments or I/O redirection when a program is not directly
> executable but activates an interpreter -- though it appears my system
> handles it okay:
> E:\UserData\Wulfraed\MYDOCU~1>type t.py
> import sys
> for i,a in enumerate(sys.argv):
>        print "Argument %s is\t%s" % (i, a)
> E:\UserData\Wulfraed\MYDOCU~1>t.py a one and a two
> Argument 0 is   E:\UserData\Wulfraed\MYDOCU~1\t.py
> Argument 1 is   a
> Argument 2 is   one
> Argument 3 is   and
> Argument 4 is   a
> Argument 5 is   two
> E:\UserData\Wulfraed\MYDOCU~1>t three or more
> Argument 0 is   E:\UserData\Wulfraed\MYDOCU~1\t.py
> Argument 1 is   three
> Argument 2 is   or
> Argument 3 is   more
> E:\UserData\Wulfraed\MYDOCU~1>python t four is what
> python: can't open file 't': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
> E:\UserData\Wulfraed\MYDOCU~1>python t.py four is what
> Argument 0 is   t.py
> Argument 1 is   four
> Argument 2 is   is
> Argument 3 is   what
> E:\UserData\Wulfraed\MYDOCU~1>
>        Suggest you try creating a test script (as in the above t.py) and
> execute it in the various versions shown above. Obviously your system is
> finding the Python interpreter, but the arguments are not being found by
> the script (or that .py IS separated by a space and is being seen as the
> first command to the script -- and that is not recognized)
> --
>        Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN
>        wlfr...@ix.netcom.com    HTTP://wlfraed.home.netcom.com/
> --
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