On Jul 22, 10:17 pm, Le Roux Bodenstein <lero...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >  http://blog.dscpl.com.au/2009/03/load-spikes-and-excessive-memory-usa...
> Wow. Thanks. I'm reading your entire blog now - it is really helpful.
> I just realised how little I know about this. Your blog is certainly
> the best resource on this topic I've ever seen.
> Since I'm currently running lighttpd which has a fair bit of config
> that I don't want to move, I'm going to probably run that in front of
> apache rather than nginx. (at least for now and assuming it "just
> works")

The only criticism I have seen of lighttpd is that is has been a long
time since last release and that it can leak memory. Don't know how
valid that is, so I could be generating my own FUD here. :-)

Certainly, nginx seems to be the darling at the moment and not sure
lighttpd has same properties that nginx has as far as isolating Apache
from slow clients. For nginx, this is in part the result of nginx
buffering request content before proxying on to back end server.

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