*** Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***

Send in your URLs on interesting web sites related to the upcoming 2001 UK
elections <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Steven Clift
Democracies Online

Vote Swapping UK Style


The 1997 election showed that tactical voting works. Lib Dem and Labour
voters rallied behind the local challenger who could topple a Tory
MP. There was a Labour landslide and the most Lib Dem MPs since 1918. We
want to make sure 2001 is another win-win election for the centre-left.

Find your seat's result, see if you can be a tactical voter, make your
vote count twice!

Search below to find your seat's 1997 result and see if you should vote
tactically this time  Enter your Constituency:

Two localized site examples:


votedorset.net recycle your wasted vote

     In 1997, two Conservative MPs were elected to represent the West
Dorset and South Dorset constituencies, despite the fact that the majority
voted against them. To avoid this happening again, Labour supporters in
West Dorset could make a tactical vote for the Liberal Democrats, whilst
in South Dorset, LibDem supporters could reciprocate by voting for the
Labour candidate.

     In order that votes cast might better reflect the democratic will of
voters in our area, we are providing an online voter matching service
which will pair Labour supporters in West Dorset with Liberal Democrat
supporters in South Dorset to facilitate dialogue about tactical voting in
the forthcoming general election.

     To be matched, fill in the appropriate form below. You will receive
the e-mail address of a match in your neighbouring constituency. Your
match will receive your e-mail address. Your details will not be complied
and stored on a database and will only be released to your designated

     Tactical voting posters and bumper stickers for the West Dorset and
South Dorset constituencies are available to download free from

     votedorset.net is not affiliated to nor funded by any political


WELCOME to what will be stophague.com, the independent site to encourage
moderate voters in Kingston & Surbiton and in Wimbledon to make their
votes count. Our site is currently being tested. When the election comes
it will go live to provide a forum for moderate Labour and Liberal
Democrat supporters who want to cast their vote tactically - that is, for
the candidate with the best chance of beating Hague's man - rather than
risk letting an extreme Hague Tory slip in on a minority vote.

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