Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> Keith N. McKenna wrote:
>> Personally I had enough political and turf battles when I
>> worked in the corporate world; I certainly do not need them now
> Sure. You are coordinating volunteers here without the need of any
> formal structure. No need for any structure. Volunteers are here, we had
> more documentation progress in the last quarter than in the entire prior
> year and this groups is getting something done, with a productive
> attitude and without any useless discussions. Guys, you should be proud
> of what you are doing and just keep going. The effort is huge but things
> are happening.

Thank you for the pep talk Andrea. It is just very disheartening that at
the time when it looks like there is sustainable progress happening that
the same old potentially divisive conversations start-up again.
> Keith, would you like to change the Wiki home page to point directly at
> the new documentation? This may be a way to involve more people.

Let me think on that one a bit. I can see the advantage of possibly
attracting more people, but there is also the down side of the new stuff
being still very rough or even non-existent that it frustrates people
trying to use it to get answers to there immediate needs.

Maybe with enough cautionary wording the advantages could out-weigh the

> Regards,
>   Andrea.

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