On Tuesday, May 4, 2021 11:27:28 AM AKDT Dan Egli wrote:
> Aki, That's what I'm saying. The only place pop3 IS listed is in
> doveconf protocols. I'm going to try settiing the ports to 0 and see if
> that does the trick.
> And for those who keep mentioning the firewall, understand that I'm
> beyond security paranoid. Simply blocking at the firewall is not enough.
> I want to ensure that NO ONE is listening on that port, even if it's
> just localhost.

What in the world is going on here with POP3 on dovecot? I used to use POP3 on 
my desktop, and configure my desktop POP3 client to leave maybe 30 days' worth 
of email on the server accessible via IMAP to my mobile phone.

After that I could archive or delete / discard old email on my desktop at my 
leisure. Except since the last couple of upgrades to dovecot software, that is 
no longer possible, and the system crashes and I lose all my email whenever I 
try to use POP3 for anything.

I completely understand the tinfoil hat attitude with commercial spammers 
trying every trick in the book to take over private email servers and German 
Nazi cops doing the same to make criminal busts beating in doors with a 
battering ram, letting off flash-bang grenades, hadcuffing suspects and 
"disappearing" them to top-secret dentention centers -- (Does anyone remember 
Buchenwald, Auschwitz, Dachau?) -- without even so much as a case on the court 
docket, it's all for the safety and well-being of the children in the 
community, and no one in his right mind would even doubt that all the cops are 
on the right side of the law doing good works for humanity.
I don't want to say "compromise" -- no, there's got to be a very basic, simple 
"right way" to do it, and POP3 has to be made to work properly "by the book" 
somehow like it used to, and I don't have any better answers than anybody else 
either, because it's broke on my system, too.

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