> > 2) Does the V82 support remote control via the 'clone' port, or is 
> > operation of this port limited to when a special 'clone mode' is entered?

I picked up my 1st rig (IC-V82) at lunch time... no D-Star for a bit as I have 
to save up my pennies for that. So let the hacking begin. ;-)

I couldn't find mention of any CI-V software that supports the V82, however 
looking at the serial line when using CS-V82 it does appear to be talking 
something like CI-V.

The radio accepts the 'Clone/Information' without entering a special mode and 
replies nicely. I can emulate the sequence with 'CI-V test', however it does 
not display the response (even though I can see it on the serial port).

Port opened by process "CSV82.exe" (PID: 1540)

Request: 5/20/2009 7:00:17 PM.94264

 FE FE EE EF E0 28 26 00 00 FD                     þþîïà(&..ý      

Answer: 5/20/2009 7:00:17 PM.95764 (+0.0156 seconds)

 FE FE EE EF E0 28 26 00 00 FD FE FE EF EE E1 28   þþîïà(&..ýþþïîá(
 26 00 01 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20   &..             
 20 20 20 00 07 05 06 32 39 36 45 33 2E 30 30 FD      ....296E3.00ý

Port closed


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