On Jul 28, 2009, at 1:51 AM, dlake02 wrote:

> I completely agree that DNS is inappropriate for instantaneous moves.
> 73 David - G4ULF
No offense intended David, but anyone who says this hasn't done it.   
DNS can EASILY handle virtually instantaneous updates, when configured  
and used correctly.  It is NOT used correctly (like many of the  
technologies in the Icom Gateway) and the attempt makes the DNS  
implementation look foolish... similar to the decision to build Apache/ 
Tomcat from *source* makes the use of those technologies look goofy.   
No one building any other Apache/Tomcat application in the world  
intended for a "network appliance" writes and releases csh scripts  
(ugh) to build the things from source to use them on a common Linux  
platform like CentOS...

The whole implementation seems like an overgrown college kid's demo to  
me, having been involved in multiple commercial Linux projects.  Very  
very odd.

Nevertheless I digress.

As you pointed out, DNS is not needed for anything other than IP  
mapping, which seems useless right now, but seems to point to a plan  
(maybe shelved?) to allow routed IP connectivity between the private  
10.x.x.x range between ID-1 rigs.  It looks to me like that "vision"  
was there, but never implemented.

Nate Duehr, WY0X

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