Urb, the premise of your statement is false. You may post anything you wish. However, you must remember that it's THEIR program(DXCC).

Mike, with all respect, I think your premise is wrong. The program belongs to the
members not to the ARRL as such.

I also may be overlooking ARRL's point of contention. If there is a k2dec out there and he works a DXpedition but they log him as w2dec I then have enough information to get a qsl if all the information is in the online log. Is that going to happen often enough to
warrant suppression of free speech when no illegal act has been committed?

I am especially concerned since the creates the appearance of another US
institution capriciously enforcing its rules on an International group.

I am not a civil libertarian, indeed, I'm fairly conservative but I believe
suppression of speech must be weighted against the consequences.

People cheat with DXCC every day. Do we ban the sale of 4-1000s because
some people run 10KW to a couple of them?

If the League is going to administer DXCC, or any other awards, let them
deal with the cheaters, and not censor information used by the rule keepers.

Urb, W2DEC

Urb, W2DEC

If you choose to post information that, in the eyes of those managing the program, negates the efforts of those who organized and carried out a DX-Pedition you are free to do so. You simply must be prepared to deal with the wrath of those who you negatively affect. That not only includes the DX-Peditioners, but those who put their time and effort into contacting the DX-Pedition. Be my guest.

Mike, W5UC

----- Original Message ----- From: "Urb LeJeune" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dx-chat@njdxa.org>
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 3:58 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] ARRL

Am I the only one who is concerned that the ARRL is determining
what others may put up on their website? I understand their position but
don't we all have the right to post legal information on our websites
without censure or repercussions by a third party?

Urb, W2DEC

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