Exactly.. so if everyone would not make a DXCC submission for 1 year and
also not renew their membership for 1 year they would maybe finally realize
that the membership is the ARRL and they need the MEMBERSHIP for them to
function as a whole. ALL the members should have say in a vote to make rules
after they are proposed.. not just a select few to make rules they feel they
need, rules should be made by votes from the membership...I do not like a
lot of things they do. ALL you ARRL members its your program and Newington
is there to work for its members not for themselves. Seems ARRL is run more
like a dictatorship than a democratic one. 

           Make a choice cry or take action.

                   73 Pete

-----Original Message-----
Mike(W5UC) & Kathy(K5MWH)
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 7:11 PM
To: dx-chat@njdxa.org; Urb LeJeune
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] ARRL

And, therein lies the problem. ARRL does not  the ability to deal with those

who run 10 KW, but they do have the ability to deal with those who threaten 
the integrity of the DXCC program.

Whether or not DXCC belongs to ARRL or the members in a whole new debate. 
However in the context of this discussion, it IS their program because the 
members allow them to administer it.

Mike, W5UC

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