Yes, it is a nice way to do it, but it would be even better if a function
could be integrated into DX4WIN software, so when one exits, DX4WIN
automatically saves log into the original save directory and then backups
the copy of this into a pre-configured (in "Preferences") external drive
(USB/PCMCIA flash, ZIP or floppy)...

I hope in one of the next Christmas versions of DX4WIN, Paul will make the
program fully operator-independent: it would permanently monitor DX Spots,
pick-up the needed ones, switch TX to desired band/frequency, turn antenna,
make a QSO out of the pile-up, log it, print QSL and announce good news to
operator entering into the shack by playing a "Marseillaise"  and blinking
the worked rare DX-ped call in large Christmas fonts on the screen!

After writing this, a flash blew in my mind, reminding me of the old
nineteen-fifties/sixties, working with home-brew equipment, spending long,
cold nights tuning my 1-v-1 RX to find and pick-up that weak, low-power DX
out of the noise and make a QSO, happy to get 449 for my 20-50 watt signal
(I used to be YU1KG at that time..).
What does it take to make us happy now?

Radi, F6GNZ

 -----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Tom Branch
Sent:   Friday, December 12, 2003 2:10 PM
Subject:        Re: [Dx4win] Backup Of Logbook to Floppy


I used to use a ZIP but have since changed over to a USB Jumpdrive.  I have
a small batch file that zips the entire /save directory and copies it onto
the jumpdrive.  I have a copy of pkzip in the save directory and an icon on
the desktop that calls this batch file:

cd c:\Progra~1\dx4w603\save
pkzip -u -x*.~?? F:\dx4win\ *.*

Works like a charm...

73 de Tom, K4NR

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dick Flanagan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "'Bud Governale'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 2:54 AM
Subject: RE: [Dx4win] Backup Of Logbook to Floppy

> At 01:11 AM 12/11/2003, Radivoj KAR wrote:
>  >I suggest you better use the PCMCIA or USB flash memory card for backup
> I don't know how many people use ZIP drives, but a single 250 MB ZIP drive
> will handle more QSOs than I could ever create in a lifetime.  ZIP even
> offers software that will automatically backup any file or files you
> specify whenever those files change.  Lots of options, Bud.
> 73, Dick
> --
> Dick Flanagan K7VC NV SM
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