their is not a whole lot that can be done for a smaller outfit.

The only partially effective solutions start in the 50k range which would
imply you would drop in a special server in front of the network to filter
random ip traffic properly.

Since ddos is coming in from any and everywhere it becomes very hard to deal
with and most nocs are not even capable of the expense and time it takes to
work up a real solution.

or you could add large bandwidth and pay 10k a day to provide it to the
network. Only the deepest pockets could do that while trying to sort out the

You will find that many admins cannot even help you trace it back through
the network and when you succeed you may find that many peoples computers
are being used as a slaves via IRC without their knowledge.

Fortunatly, most ddos attacks die off after a few days.

the market is wide open for a real software solution for this. The first one
to market will be an instant millionaire, but the architecture of the
internet itself may place limitations of a cheap software solution.

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