Dear JP,

(ONE) say the system is 1/3 each of egold, pecunix, and goldmoney.
Say pecunix totally evaporates.   What would happen is that each user
loses one third of their conglomerated-gold.  (Sucks, but better than
losing it all.)

Wouldn't it be clever to insure against such a disaster? Then the currency fails but your insurance policy kicks in and the gold is replaced. I would think a policy on the loss of any one of these would not carry too high a premium. Getting the insurer to agree to pay off in gold - write the contract in gold rather than dollars or euros - would seem a major challenge.

(THREE) more of a sort of "meta exchange" system.

This approach would have the advantage of letting the market inform you about which currency should have more of your bars of gold. If people preferentially bail in, say, e-gold and bail out, say, Pecunix, then you'll need to move bars from e-gold to Pecunix to keep up.

(I think Robert you have Gone Mad here

News? <grin>



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