Couldn't afford the vacuum kit I wanted,
so  I built a low end wantabe tool for my desoldering tasks.

I have combined a Radio Shack 45-Watt Desoldering Iron

and one of Radio Shack's (popper styled) Vacuum Desoldering Tool

I removed the, IMO, useless rubber bulb on the Desoldering Iron
and attached a short piece of tubing between
where the bulb was removed and the tip of the 'popper' desoldering tool.

this way I can apply heat to the location
then hit the popper's release
hopefully sucking up (most of) the solder residue

sometimes I even using the popper as a blower
to clear some of the offending solder....
hold the iron tip in place and push the popper down
as though you were going to cock it,
but don't complete the stroke to where it catches it's hold position

just be sure you don't blow the solder onto another part of a board
where you have to remove the mess you just made,
don't ask how I know this...

Sometimes I have also use the stainless needles as a last resort
but be sure the needle is small enough
to pass all the way through the hole

again with the how do I know this bit.....
I used a needle a little to fat  for the hole and ended up
pushing the through hole, through the pcb hole, duh.


GB & 73
Sam Morgan
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