Note that to change some of the AGC settings you must have Tech MD ON.

I tried these settings and went back to the stock settings. I think the reasons were:

I don't run pileups. I am mostly a S&P contester, and always in the pileup rather than working it for DX. (Just how many people need Santa Clara County CA?), so most of the improvements don't affect me very much.

When I'm listening to weak DX, the higher SLP keeps the occasional person who forgets to go into split mode (and the up police) from blasting out my eardrums.

My normal background noise on 20M is about S2. (It's about S5 on 160M.) I think this means that I'm not getting AGC from the normal background. BTW, I don't know why my noise levels are so low living in suburbia. I always seem to be a couple of S units weaker than others I hear giving honest signal reports. In any case, I have enough sensitivity to get the band noise, and I can certainly hear a lot of stations which can't hear me.

When I run digital modes, I don't have to ride the RF gain to keep the audio signal to the computer below overload, a nice convenience.

I will have to try turning AGC off when using the Audio Frequency Peaking feature. With AGC on, it only seems to do a little compared with 50 or 100 HZ on the DSP filter. The DSP filter technique helps suppress slightly off frequency strong signals better too.

73 Bill AE6JV

On 4/9/16 at 12:44 AM, (Ian White) wrote:

Following the release of FW v4.51, the consensus within the
[K3-contesting] Yahoo group about the most important settings for DXing
and contesting has been as follows.
* AGC THR: increase to at least 8 (from default = 5) and preferably to
12, and then take some time to become re-accustomed to the increased
range of audio levels [2]. (Some users recommend as high as 14, if your
ears can handle it.)

* AGC SLP: decrease to 8 or even less (from default = 12). Lower SLP
settings allow stronger signals to sound somewhat louder, and thus more
realistic, but the range of variation will be partly determined by the
THR setting already made; so always experiment with THR first, and with
SLP afterwards.
* AGC DCY = SOFT (not default=NOR). The User Manual claims that "The
SOFT setting can reduce IMD caused by traditional AGC, and is especially
useful in 'pileup' conditions, in some cases making it unnecessary to
turn AGC off."

Bill Frantz |"Insofar as the propositions of mathematics refer to 408-356-8506 | reality, they are not certain; and insofar they are | certain, they do not refer to reality.” -- Einstein

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