
Track down the receive problem first - it is not related to either the mic wiring or the transmit path.
The problem is on the KSB2 board.
First thing to check is the orientation of the diodes on the KSB2 board - all the cathodes (marked ends) should be mounted away from the board. The second thing to check is the windings of RFC1 and RFC2 - if you scraped the wire insulation on the core when winding the toroids, the bare wire can short to the crystal cans and ground out the signal. Take a thin strip of paper and insert it between the toroids and the crystals to check for that condition. Be certain you soldered all the pins of P2 and P3 (and the corresponding headers on the RF Board).

As a check on the integrity of the receive path of the basic K2, try removing the KSB2 board and insert a wire jumper between pins 1 and 3 on both J9 and J10 on the RF board. The receiver should become functional - if not, you inadvertently disturbed something on the RF Board during the KSB2 installation.

If one of those suggestions does not reveal the trouble, it is time for some in-depth troubleshooting. Get out the DMM and ask about it again.


MTcja wrote:
Just throwing this out there while I start backtracking to figure it out.

I have installed the K160RX, KAT2, KBT2 and now the KSB2.  Prior to install
I was able to hear activity on the bands.  After install I could hear very
few stations.  On the ones that I could hear, it was barely so even with
full AF gain and the SWR meter would barely deflect.  This AM a friend tried
to TX on 40m at 5, 10 and 50 Watts.   So it seems I have induced a deafness
problem.  I have also installed the Elecraft mic with the Rbias resister and
jumpers. I was missing one jumper but used one from my computer junk box. It was slightly different as it does not have a "top" like the ones Elecraft
provided.  I include this on the off chance this might mean something to
those of you far more experienced and knowledgeable than I.  I have
attempted to TX into a dummy load and I get "dot" deflections on the SWR
meter in the 5-7 range but a separate watt meter indicates well below the
set power.

Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts on tracking down this gremlin they are
certainly welcome.

Thanks & 73's,


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