So we have 2.78 and yes I'm happy with the improvements of the software.

There are a few categories of software-updates:
1. bug fixes  (nothing to cheer about, the bugs should not have been
there, way to go Elecraft how quick you fix those bugs)
2. nice to haves (indeed nice: my callsign scrolling in the display, but
I can do without that)
3. further improvements in essential performance (improve filtering
including notch, transmit IMD, improving user interface, extending
possibilities of use of TX and RX, etc)
4. need to haves (like 2 RXs on 2 different bands)

There are probably more categories if you think about it.

I'm quite happy with the first two categories.
I cheer if improvements of category 3 come along.
My house is too small if a category 4 improvement happens.

73 and HNY to all.

Arie PA3A

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