On 09/05/2013 11:12 PM, Vidar Wahlberg wrote:
On Thu, Sep 05, 2013 at 11:42:44AM +0200, Kristofer Munsterhjelm wrote:
So a Sainte-Laguë based on DAC or DSC is better than one based on
Plurality - and we know how to do the generalization - but there
isn't much else to be said about it. (It might also be weakly
monotone, which would be nice since STV isn't.)

Will be a bit short as I've been busy lately.

I looked briefly into DAC/DSC, I couldn't visualize how to expand that
to a multi-seat system, though. May look more into it at a later time.

Okay, here's an example which will show the particular kind of vote-splitting problem that DAC/DSC itself fixes. Say A, B, C, X are parties, and the ballots are:

12: A>B>C>X
11: B>A>C>X
10: C>A>B>X
15: X>C>A>B

Three seats (because calculating these things manually does take some effort). The coalitions are:

{ABCX}: 48
{ABC}: 33
{AB}: 23
{ACX}: 15
{CX}: 15
{X}: 15
{A}: 12
{B}: 11
{AC}: 10
{C}: 10

For the first seat we first take ABCX, then intersect to ABC, then with AB, then XAC, which produces the initial winner of A. Okay. Now all sets that include A are deweighted by 2 * 1 + 1, giving:

{ABCX}: 48/3 = 16
{ABC}: 33/3 = 11
{AB}: 23/3 = 7.67
{ACX}: 15/3 = 3
{CX}: 15 (no A here, so no deweighting)
{X}: 15
{A}: 12/3 = 4
{B}: 11
{AC}: 10/3 = 3.33
{C}: 10


{ABCX}: 16
{X}: 15
{ABC}: 11

and so on. It's obvious X gets the second seat. After this, the weightings would be 3 for any seat that includes either X or A, and 5 for any that includes both:

{ABCX}: 48 / 5 = 9.6
{ABC}: 33 / 3 = 11
{AB}: 23 / 3 = 7.67
{ACX}: 15 / 5 = 3
{CX}: 15 / 3 = 5
{X}: 15 / 3 = 5
{A}: 12 / 3 = 4
{B}: 11 = 11
{AC}: 10 / 3 = 3.33
{C}: 10 = 10


{ABC}: 11
{B}: 11
(and so on)

so the third seat goes to B. So this method is quite close to Plurality Sainte-Laguë, which is why I don't think it would make enough of a difference, and thus why I didn't bother to write the calculations in my previous post :-)

If it has any place, it would instead be in calculating the party seats for a single district. And even there, I don't think it solves the polarization problem well enough. In a sense, the coalition-type methods (DAC, DSC, HDSC) are "IRV without the chaos". The Yee diagrams also show this: IRV's can have odd disconnected areas, while the descending coalitions methods have polygonal connected regions, but the regions can be quite far from the optimal solution (Voronoi map) that Condorcet produces.

Its main difference from Plurality Sainte-Laguë is that if there's a group of uncoordinated voters, then they get a seat before the beneficiaries of the vote-splitting do. So it could make a difference with marginal seats. (E.g. imagine that the situation above happens after X has got a lot of seats and there's only one seat remaining; then it would give the final seat to the {ABC} group instead of to X}.

(Interesting side question: does D*C suffer from center squeeze in the single-winner case? In one respect it does: if C is everybody's second choice, it is retained until the single-seat sets, but then it is eliminated. In another, it does not: if the center gains greater popularity, the method doesn't decide to favor the opposing wing instead. Another interesting question would be whether the coalition-type methods are cloneproof as multiwinner methods as well, not just as single-winner methods.)

However, I want to elaborate a bit more on the SL/RP system I mentioned
There were two issues you pointed out. First was that in an election
with 3 parties (L, C, R), strong support for L & R where all agreed on C
being the preferred winner in a 1-seat election, but in a 2-seat
election it would make more sense to let L & R to win.
This criticism I share.
On the other hand, when I implemented this idea I had a typical
Norwegian parliament election in mind (for 169 seats), so my question to
you would be; While this would not be a good system for few seats and
parties with distinguished differences, won't that problem quickly
diminish when you have significantly more seats and parties?

Geometrically speaking, you could consider a house-monotone method one that picks the median/consensus points for (n+1) seats by adding a point to the ones for n seats. As n increases, the worst case error (compared to a method that can pick all n points from scratch) should decrease because there are more points. If there are many dimensions to political opinion space, the error may decrease more slowly, but yes, in general you are right.

The geometrical interpretation also shows two ways in which problems could present themselves. First, in the LCR situation, the point for n=1 is simply far away from the points for n=2, period. This kind of error could be amplified in kingmaker settings: e.g. imagine 49 seats to L, 50 to R, but one of them should have been C. But apart from that, the error should diminish. There would also be a greater chance of imbalance if you increase the number of parties - e.g. consider parties on the vertices of a pentagon in 2D space with a compromise party at the center of this pentagon: then the house-monotone method will be biased until at least 5 seats have been given.

Second, a poorly constructed house-monotone method could perform insufficient lookahead and get into trouble later on, since the distribution for n depends on the distribution for n-1. So the demands are greater on such a method, though I don't know how to measure this.

Ultimately, though, Schneier's statement about crypto can be rephrased to apply to electoral methods too. 169 seats do solve a lot of ills. About the only thing needed is that the method properly converges - i.e. that it can reduce its bias however far one would like given enough seats.

The second issue you raised was that an A>B>C>* preference, where A had
won some seats while B had not would not weight down the B>C preference
as it should. Again you're absolutely correct so I've changed the
implementation. Currently I've set it to be that with the same
preference, A having 2 seats and B having 3 seats and C having no seats
the weight for A>(B>C>*) would be 1/(2 * 2 + 1), the weight for B>(C>*)
would be 1/11 (2 * (2 + 3) + 1) and the weight for C>* would also be
1/11 (vote weight is the SL divisor for the accumulated amount of
seats). It's a small task to change the deweighting if it should be
more/less, or if the weight should be fixed (to 1/11 in this case) for
all preferences in the vote. I've not pondered much on either of these
aspects yet.
I've done some quick tests, and I do see some peculiar artifacts, like
not getting the exact same result when each vote only got one preference
as when using plain Sainte-Laguë. There are smaller changes, such as
some parties winning an extra seat while others losing one. I can only
imagine that this is because I'm currently using floating points rather
than rational number and thus get rounding errors, the algorithm is too
slow for rational numbers with the data sets I'm using. I will fix this

Not getting the same result may indicate either that the subtleties of Condorcet need to be adjusted or that there's a bug. What we have when everybody bullet votes is in essence (for different favored parties A):

x: A > B = C = D

and this in turn means that the voter has a preference that says "I'd like to have A, but if I can't have A, it doesn't matter who I get". So the contest should weight A>(everybody else) by x.

Say that A and B are elected. Then the method should act as if the above ballot is in fact

x/3: A > B = C = D.

So there may be one of two problems here. Either there's a subtlety about the postprocessing (wv, margins, etc) interacting with how you reweight so that what is supposed to be a tie (the B = C = D part) ends up not looking like a tie (e.g. A>B is weighted at x/3 but B = C is weighted as B>C and C>B at x/5). I don't think that's likely, but I don't remember how the postprocessing is done, at the moment, so that might be what's throwing the method off. The other possibility is that there's a bug: that even after an A and B have been elected, your program is supposed to only change x/3 into x/5 for A>B, but it somehow alters the B vs C contest as well.

I would suggest setting up some test cases. Try an election with only two kinds of voters, something like:

x: A > B = C = ... = n
y: B > A = C = ... = n

and see if the results are as expected by ordinary Sainte-Laguë. If not, see why not. With only two blocs of voters, it should be easier to track down the quirk or bug.
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