This may be a basic question, but is there a way to manipulate javascript
functions and variables within embperl syntax? (Would it be possible to
add this if it does not exist?)

For example, let's say I populated a large javascript array/hash from a
database call, and want to resort, rearrange or filter out at will from
the client side only without further making a database call.

I might use javascript's document.write, but I wonder if it's possible in
embperl space (maybe a new tag?), like

<script>var myarray=new Array(1,3,4,7);</script>
[=myarray[0]=] instead of document.write

which will do the same as
[-my @myarray=(1,3,4,7)-]

It can be used with Data::JavaScript::Anon, or even Ajax like things, I

Or, what is the best practice, if the same data need to be resorted /


Ben Kim

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