Hey Guys,

I can see from google searches, that I'm re-hashing an
issue, but it wasn't solved in any of the posts and/or
doesn't work in the 2.0.0 embperl that I'm using.

I started out with the a frequently-referenced posting
from December 2000, by Gerald:

I modified it to statically declare that everything
changes once a day (for testing)

I was doing ok setting the %http_headers_out, but once
I started trying to use the apache calls, nothing
seemed to work. The method calls don't actually set
the headers, and setting the status-code didn't set
the status-code. Handling conditional-get is a very
small piece of code. Has anybody gotten this to work
with 2.x?

Much appreciated,


        use POSIX qw(strftime);
        use Apache2::Response ();
        use Apache2::RequestRec;

        use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval );

        # Check, set expr date

        my $do = GOB::DateRanges->new();

        # Always indicate that the page has changed every day
at 5am
        my $mod_time = $do->get_cday_begin();
        $mod_time += (3600 * 5); # add 5 hours

        my $expr_time = $mod_time + (3600 * 24); # expires
tomorrow morning
        my @etps = gmtime($expr_time);
        my $edate_str = strftime "%a, %d %b %Y %I:%M:00 GMT",

        $http_headers_out{Expires} = $edate_str;

        print STDERR "got here a\n";


        if ((my $rc = $req_rec->meets_conditions) != 200) { #
we can give up
                print STDERR "got here b\n";

Carl Eklof 
Bee Software LLC 
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