Den 2022-02-03 kl. 21:59, skrev Håvard F. Aasen via Emc-developers:
On 2022-02-02 19:02, Nicklas SB Karlsson wrote:
Den 2022-02-02 kl. 19:16, skrev Sebastian Kuzminsky:
What are the big projects that need to get finished for the next release?  Some things I know vaguely about, but don't know the status of:

* Transition to gtk3 (required)

Read in an old thread from May last year I found this fork but are still uncertain
about the status.

I believe classicladder is the last application that uses gtk2, which this line [1] confirms. Upstream has a newer version supporting both gtk2 and gtk3, but the diff has become quite large over the years. Half a year ago or so, I started to backport some of the new features, but stopped, I didn't feel I could test the changes thoroughly enough. It should be possible to update it to gtk3, though I'm not sure which strategy is best, try to stay as close to upstream as possible, or only change the gtk part and continue with the version we got.

Use Glade for custom buttons/LEDs an others. Switched to master-gtk3, compile and run works, running glade the hal widgets do however not show up in the use interface. The there widgets should be: HAL Python, VCP Actions and GtkSourceView do however show up but empty.

There is a list of complaint at the prompt it can't find different symbols and types. Further down there is a list "Tried to include undefined widget class" xxx in a widget group. There is also a few other complaints at bottom but they are there both then running from ordinary and from prompt there rip-environment script have been run.

May have a little bit of time to spend on it the coming months.

Nicklas Karlsson

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