Am 02.02.22 um 19:16 schrieb Sebastian Kuzminsky:
What are the big projects that need to get finished for the next release?  Some things I know vaguely about, but don't know the status of:

* Transition to gtk3 (required)
I can only talk about Gmoccapy as Gtk3 application.
Most of the Gtk3-errors are resolved now. As far as I know there is only one issue regarding editing the G-code file and theme selection is missing. And still some little issues present that are also in 2.8, but that's not Gtk-related. And there are still a lot of deprecated items (Gtk-widgets). The question is: do we want to have them replaced for the next release or later?


* Transition to python3 (required)

* Transition docs translations to po4a (optional but highly desired)

What is the status of those projects?

What in-progress projects are missing from this list?

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