Le jeu. 24 nov. 2022 à 16:21, Feral Engineer <theferalengin...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> The question always stands, does LinuxCNC want to gain mainstream
> popularity or does it just want to remain a tinker toy to a select few? Is
> this just a developer's pet project or is this a machine tool control,
> meant to be used by people who understand machine tools?

I really hope the master plan is to reach, someday, the A league.
If it's not, I somehow dumped a significant part of last year free time...

This is maybe the first and foremost point that's not clearly stated: what
is the project's VISION ?!
For as long as this will remain in doubt, we'll remain stuck at the
crossroad, missing a clear direction, making both crews unhappy, and the
project doomed.

With a clearly stated vision as its object, a proper entity could be
created like the FreeCAD Project Association to detain and protect the
project's assets (domain, IP, credentials, etc.), promote it, and have
representatives spreading the word and reaching out for sponsors.
Targets and plans could be actually discussed along that vision, for
development, as well as infrastructure and documentation/content creation.
Etc. etc. etc.

How can we hope to attract people when we don't know who we are ?
Where do we think we're going when we let our MVP run out ?

I really would like to be a useful resource to the project.

This is not the first time you say it Phil, and not having been able to
have you actually embark yet is just the patent proof of all this, sadly.
Like too many in the community, including me, you don't know what the
project really is, where does it go and how, what does it needs and expects
from the community...

Let's gather and shake the NC scene bros 🤘

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