On 12/18/22 18:24, Johannes Fassotte wrote:

I had a chance to do some work on OpenDDS while waiting for parts for another project. I installed OpenDDS with its depends on my Linux Mint 20 development computer and made some notes on how I installed it and all the depends. I have not checked out the built in tests yet described in the OpenDDS Developers Guide  which need to run under Perl.

I have put my current install  "first.dds.install" note on github.


Main folder at:


I did not note how long configure ran, but  "make" took about 2 hours,  sudo "make install" about 2 minutes.

Hope the info there will be helpful and will add to these as the project continues.


Thank you for kicking this off.

Looks like a typo in your first link. This works for me:


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