Really great, thank you!

However, I have some annotations:
- You could mention that the tests need to be run as sudo (at least for it only worked so) and need Python >= 3.8 - The stderr file only shows something like "+ su --pty -c 'linuxcnc /usr/share/doc/linuxcnc/examples/sample-configs/sim/gmoccapy/lathe_configs/lathe_C.ini' testrunner" - For the configs which show an error message as window (like the gmoccapy config you attached) - is there another way to check if all tests have passed except looking at all screenshots or stdout logs?

And I wonder why you chose Bookworm over Bullseye. I think all the Gmoccapy configs would pass on Bullseye.

Am 04.01.23 um 06:04 schrieb Sebastian Kuzminsky:
I wrote a test tool that installs linuxcnc-uspace.deb on a minimal Debian Bookworm system, and launches each of our "sim" sample configs. No big surprise, many of them don't work.

The list of broken configs is:
* axis/iocontrolv2/owordm6-ui-ns.ini
* axis/lathe-fanucy/lathe-fanucy.ini
* axis/profile_axis.ini
* most of axis/orphans/*
* most of axis/remap/*
* axis/vismach/3axis-tutorial/3axis-tutorial.ini
* axis/vismach/rolfmill/rolfmill.ini
* craftsman/*
* most of gmoccapy/*
* most of qtvcp_screens/*
* most of gscreen/*

If any of these are near and dear to you, please take a look.

I've attached screenshots from a few that made it far enough to display a window (many configs failed before displaying anything).

The test tool is here if anyone wants to check it out (at some point i may try to integrate it with the buildbot):

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