On 1/4/23 05:09, Hans Unzner wrote:
However, I have some annotations:
- You could mention that the tests need to be run as sudo (at least for it only worked so) and need Python >= 3.8

Hmm, I run them as a regular user. Maybe you just installed docker.io, and you have to log out and log back in again for your user's membership in the `docker` group to register?

As for the python version, I run the tests on a bullseye host (python 3.9), I haven't tried running it anywhere else.

- The stderr file only shows something like "+ su --pty -c 'linuxcnc /usr/share/doc/linuxcnc/examples/sample-configs/sim/gmoccapy/lathe_configs/lathe_C.ini' testrunner"

Yeah, not much useful stuff there :-)

But that makes me think, maybe the tests should copy out linuxcnc_{print,debug}.log at the end, just before tearing down the container...

- For the configs which show an error message as window (like the gmoccapy config you attached) - is there another way to check if all tests have passed except looking at all screenshots or stdout logs?

If the `linuxcnc` launcher program doesn't exit, I don't know of any easy way to tell if it worked or not.

You could imagine trying to OCR the screenshot image and see if it looks like an error popup...

Or maybe you see if some GUI-specific HAL pins showed up, though I just checked the gmoccapy config and on that one the GUI's HAL pins showed up even though the screen just shows that error popup...

I think it's going to be hard to detect the kind of stalling failures that don't cause linuxcnc to exit. I'm open to suggestions here.

And I wonder why you chose Bookworm over Bullseye. I think all the Gmoccapy configs would pass on Bullseye.

I don't have a great reason for doing this test on bookworm instead of bullseye, it was just the first one that came to mind. Rod and Steffen are right that bookworm will be the first Debian release to include linuxcnc packages from debian.org, so it's an important one to get right.

It's easy to switch this test to bullseye (or any other debian-based distro), by editing the FROM line in the Dockerfile and rebuilding the image.

Ideally we'd run this test all the time, on every supported platform, just like we do our other tests.

I just tried one of the gmoccapy configs by hand on bullseye and it failed in the same way.

Sebastian Kuzminsky

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