On Tuesday 18 March 2008, Gary Fixler wrote:
>I set up an account for this list - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - through my host,
>but couldn't reply to the confirmation email from Thunderbird on Linux at
>home. It would send, and go into my outbox, but nothing would ever come of
>it. I had to click through to the site (from Thunderbird), and confirm it
>there. I then couldn't send, nor reply to any message ever from Thunderbird,
>though I tried several times to do both over the past few weeks, hoping it
>would finally take. It would, however, always let me send, and reply from
>the web interface. I'm not sure why, as it's the same account - just a
>different interface on my end, and a different outbound server (verizon at
>home / probably my host - hostrocket - at work).  Thunderbird was receiving
>every list message, including the ones I'd sent through the web interface.
>Every message sent through the web version always made it, and promptly.
>Clearly, the Verizon server's version of my mail was just being dropped,
>probably by the list, as I've not had that problem sending mail anywhere
>else, and have for years now, including to about 5 other list serves.
>Anyway, I just thought I'd mention this, with details, in case anyone in
>here has power over these things. Maybe it's just a flipped switch, or
>someone's chair is on the internet cable ;)
>Also, a big thanks to Gene Heskett for answering my RTAPI error question
>from last night. I forgot about my mail troubles, and downloaded the
>messages into Thunderbird this morning, and of course, can't reply to that
>one now from in there. It would seem I can use this new Gmail address from
>now on, so I'm moving to this account, and dumping the cnc@ address from my
>host. I use Gmail daily anyway, so it's not a big deal, but it's frustrating
>that I can't use any personal email through my own server.
>I may have more questions about RTAPI issues, but I'll start a new thread
>with this address should it come to that.
>Thanks again.

I have not had any probs with vz dropping this list, but the jerks kept 
dropping and bouncing the lkml, getting me un-subscribed twice so I had to 
move that account to gmail.

But, when vz gets a corncob up their anus about a list, you may as well give 
up and use gmail.  I actually have 3 servers I can 'pop3' fetch from, using 
fetchmail, which in turn uses procmail as its MTA, and procmail steers it 
through spamassassin and disposes of it accordingly if its too spammy.  All 
kmail has to do is sort it to the right folders.  Does that make this old 
fart (73) a 'power user'?  Nah, just a wee bit better than the average bear, 
a small amount of the time, and dumber the rest of the time. :)

In re the rtapi and unexpected realtime delay issues, I experimented some this 
afternoon with my base thread which was set at 78000ns when I started, 
reducing it to 38000ns for the last test, running most of the stuff in the 
nc_files dir to test, and never did see another error AFTER the startup, even 
when running at 200% speeds here.

However, as has been noted, every motherbaord/video combo is going to be 
enough different that sometimes the only thing you can do is to throw more 
money at the hardware.  There have been a couple of motherboards that just 
weren't usable but I don't even recall their trade names now.

Perhaps one of the developers has a better memory than mine on what brands to 

Cheers, Gene
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