Well, I have finally gotten the rigid tapping working, but I'm 
not totally satisfied with the results.  I'm getting a little 
mauling or damage to the top part of the threads.

I am using combined drill-taps.  What I am doing now is drilling 
the hole through first, then pulling the tap back, and starting 
the G33.1 tapping operation with the tip of the drill-tap even 
with the top of the material.  This makes the G33.1 return the 
tap to be completely outside the material while the spindle is 
in reverse.  So, I think the damage to the threads is because 
I'm giving the drill-tap too much axial freedom in a home-made 
spring-loaded tap driver.

I had one anomaly where the spindle just mashed down onto the 
tap and smashed it to pieces.  At least, that's what I THINK 
happened, it happened very quickly.  It reminded me of the 
problems I had last year when the spindle sync/home to index 
pulse function had several problems in it.  I ran a bunch of air 
tests without a repeat, so I wnt back to production and had no 
further problems.  I did manage to tap 208 holes with this setup.


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