tomp wrote:
> yes, thanks John,
> i never read an acceptable magnitude for latency in a servo system
Well, assuming you are running the servo thread at 1 KHz (1 ms interval) 
and the servo code itself takes, say, 100 us on the average, then you 
have a 9:1 margin.  So, a sudden interruption by something else that 
steals another 250 us would be no problem, the servo loop would still be 
completed with plenty of time to spare.  Now, in some old rt-Linux 
systems, if the periodically scheduled RT thread was still running when 
the next inteval time came up, the system would just lock completely, 
and you;d have to push the hardware reset.  I think now, that it 
requires many overruns of the interval to flood the stack with 
uncompleted stack frames before it hangs.

Now, one complication is if the problem is not due simply to a higher 
priority routine that takes X time to run, but is some external 
contention for some resource like memory.  Depending on the exact code 
sequence running, how well the cache supports it, etc., the effect on 
stretching the run time of the servo code may not be predictable.  Some 
tight loops running on limited amounts of data may run almost entirely 
in cache, and the CPU will not be impacted much.  Widely spread code 
affecting many data structures may only be able to run a couple 
instructions before having a cache miss and having to wait microseconds 
for main memory to respond.
Suddenly, the CPU is slowed by a factor of several thousand!  The only 
way to really know what is going to happen there is to actually test 
it.  Leaving the CPU with lots of margin is a good idea.


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