Kirk Wallace wrote:
> A couple of video quality issues came to mind when I read this.
> Since HDMI is digital, would it be less prone to cable quality
> variations? I would think if the cable quality got below a threshold,
> you would see dropouts, but otherwise the picture would be perfect, or
> as good as it gets.
That seems like a good guess.  HDMI should either give a perfect 
display, or absolute garbage squirming all over the screen.
> I remember in the bad old days when I had a regular job in an office,
> that monitor picture quality varied quite a bit. The monitor you bought
> tended to depended on what you were going to use it for. For drafting,
> If you spent a bunch of money, you could get a big monitor that could
> place allot of clear (sharp) information all over the screen. So far, I
> have only seen inexpensive LCD monitors and they don't seem to be very
> good at displaying fine details. In other words, it seems I need to blow
> up drawings larger on an LCD than on a CRT, to see the same details.
Well, maybe I don't have any cheap LCDs, but as for spatial, I think 
they are MUCH better than shadow mask CRTs.
Compared to a B&W CRT, or the Tektronix shadow mask-less CRT, the old 
shadow-mask tubes just never cut it.
The problem was the pixels had no relation to the holes in the shadow 
mask.  LCDs, when run at their native resolution, avoid this problem 
completely.  The computer pixels exactly match the screen pixels, 
period.  (If you ever mis-set the screen resolution so it has to 
interpolate, you will see the difference.  They do amazingly well like 
that, but definitely sharpness suffers.)

On the other hand, for color gradation work, like processing very bright 
and detailed photographs, I think CRTs with all-analog intensity control 
still outperform LCDs. 
>  If
> I spent buckets of money on an LCD monitor, would CAD drawings look
> better or would I just have a better movie experience? What do current
> drafters, with big budgets, use?
I have a ViewSonic 19" LCD on my desktop system, and a smaller HP LCD on 
my main CNC control (CRTs were too heavy on the monitor arm).  I'm not 
too impressed with the HP, some of the text on the EMC window is 
"fuzzy".  Some kind of quirk on that HP.  Everything else here is still 
CRTs, many are essentially dumpster finds.


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