Thanks Andy!  Closer...  it's in /usr/include/modbus/

I specified that.  Now it doesn't fail on a missing type modbus_t, but rather "undefined reference" to any modbus_write_bit etc functions.  So even though I did get that install for libmodbus to work, it just has the header file.  It's not able to find the definitions in a compiled file.

More ideas?


On 4/7/2022 5:23 AM, andy pugh wrote:
On Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 03:27, Danny Miller <> wrote:

And same prob.  It's looking for stuff in the libmodbus's modbus.h but
it's not seeing it somehow.
You could try giving it a complete path:

#include "/usr/share/modbus/modbus.h"

(quotes rather than braces, I think, for an explicit path)

Or, maybe

#include <modbus/modbus.h>

As libmodbus installs into a directory.

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