Nothing to unplug- it's a built-in RS232 DB9.  Nothing enumerates across it.

I'm baffled where to go.  I see there's a port /ttyS0 from the command line.

Launching LinuxCNC from the command line shows text warnings about Modbus timing out.  It's just not communicating.  I played with the loadusr command and recompiled the code with /ttyS0 as the new default if the command line option didn't take somehow.

I'm pretty sure the x200 code and libmodbus are not the prob- something about config?  I don't know where to look.  I suppose the RS232 port itself could physically be busted, I could look at it with a logic anaylzer.  Be nice to see if anything was trying to come out.  I don't think it could be putting out valid traffic, if it did it I think the VFD would turn on.

Hmm, it is going through an isolated RS232-MODBUS bridge.  But that and the cable and VFD are known working.  I put the cable back on the other machine and it works.

I guess I could install a putty terminal and see if I can send UART traffic in and out to verify the port is working.

Maybe I could give up on the built-in RS232 and try a USB FTDI to RS232?


On 4/9/2022 3:16 PM, andy pugh wrote:
On Sat, 9 Apr 2022 at 16:44, Danny Miller <> wrote:

I tried specifying the port loadusr x200 device="/dev/ttyS0". I'm not
sure how my serial ports are named.  Would "/dev/ttyUSB0" be if that was
an FTDI USB to serial device?
Plug and unplug it, see what appears and disappears in /dev/

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