The pinout is determined by the firmware so many
parallel port type 7I92 bitfiles will do

Does this mean that say stepgen 0 is tied to pin 2 and 3 (on db25) and so on?

How do I get my pin number allocation as I set it out below. I seem to not be able dictate how the stepgens are assigned to axis.

For example 7i92_5ABOBx2D.bit firmware will work here

I tried this first off but had no luck with getting any output so I moved to the 7i92_G540x2D.bit

You associate stepgen numbers to Axis in pncconf
Herein lies the problem (mine) I cannot get to arrange them as I want. The assignments seem to jump around. I get the first two stepgens assigned correctly. X axis and its slave to pins 2/3 and 4/5 - stepgen 0 and 1. The rest keeps changing if I want to arrange them in my order. So if I only need to swap Z and A to get the correct assignments, then there would be another stepgen assigned to the slave axis of X. I don't seem to be able to make sense of it.
The firmware maps those numbered stepgens to
physical pins

XSTEP - 2 : XDIR -3

X2STEP - 4 : X2DIR - 5

YSTEP - 6 : YDIR - 7

NO Z (or 16 and 17)

ASTEP - 8 : ADIR 9

On 2022/04/12 15:50, andy pugh wrote:
On Tue, 12 Apr 2022 at 13:48, Marius <> wrote:

The config I have to replicate is this.
Seems to be coming through blank.


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