On 01/09/2022 11:29, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
e doesn't have network manage support. the way this is done is the
same as e's connman support. e sets up as a connman AGENT. that means
when things like passwords are needed connman asks e to ask for a
password. also e is allowed to control the connections like wifi
on/off, change network etc.

it works much the same with networkmanager. e doesnt have any support
for it. so use connman if you want this to work, not networkmanager.

When I finally get back to using e (soon, I hope) I will still also have
other window managers which I need to switch into from time to time, and they will need networkmanager.

As I was never able to get connman to actually connect to anything in the past (or even to scan and say what is visible) I have avoided it.

How do I keep both connman and networkmanager installed, and have them execute according to window manager?

eg if I power up, log in using (say) Cinnamon, do some work, then log out, switch to e, and log in...how do I configure it to shut down networkmanager when I exit Cinnamon, and start connman when I log in e — and vice versa?


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