If it doesn't help, have a look into MPX (multi-pointer x); xinput2 allows for multiple mouse pointers and windows can define a cursor per device which can override the standard cursor.  On a single pointer system, where device cursors are set some windows/apps may override the standard KDE settings.

This old thread goes into more detail:


On 09/01/2023 20:56, Wido wrote:
Hi! thanks for the reply.

I think this will not fix my issue. See, my problem is not QT (all kde apps seems to be honoring my size: 24), but rather E globally and (I think) some gtk apps.

Also, to me it looks like E is not able to (or doesn't want to) be involved globally in defining a global cursor theme and size. Which I guess is fine, but leaves the user to figure out how each library handles each theme, and that can be a little cumbersome.

I will try those vars anyway and report back, thanks!

El lun, 9 ene 2023 a la(s) 14:50, Φ SNAKΣ ΣYΣZ Φ (snake8e...@gmail.com) escribió:

    I seem to recall a similar issue on a system a while ago with QT
    and GTK apps not scaling the same - KDE uses QT. Just a guess, but
    you could try adding the below 5 lines as environment variables -
    how to do that/location will depend on your setup, I think I
    edited /etc/environment

    export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct
    export QT_SCALE_FACTOR=0
    export XCURSOR_SIZE=24

    At your own risk, but could just remove if it doesn't help...best
    of luck ;)

    On 09/01/2023 14:45, Wido wrote:
    Happy new year! I'm having an issue with cursor theme/size.

    I'm not using E's theme, I have selected `application` in settings -> mouse
    -> e theme. Then, I have configured my mouse theme and size in KDE system
    settings -> appearance cursors. My current cursor size is 24.

    The problem I have is that some applications respect my cursor size, and
    others do not, and I don't understand the pattern:

    * Enlightenment and EFL uses size 36
    * Dolphin (kde file explorer) uses size 24
    * Sublime (gtk3?) uses size 36
    * Chrome (gtk3?) uses size 24

    I tried modifying gtk configfiles in my home, but without success.

    I know this probably is not an E issue and rather a gtk issue, but given
    that it _apperas_ like E is following different cursors, I thought this
    would be first place to _start_ asking.






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