When i log in to an Xorg session, i have a file sourced to set up a
few things, including the line:

xset r rate 250 30

This works, for a while, but at some indeterminate point later, E
changes the keyboard repeat rate and it slows down. I can't figure out
what triggers the rate to reset, but it's annoying to have to switch
to a terminal and re-source my startup script when i notice it.

I did find the following:
$ eet -d ~/.e/e/config/standard/e.cfg config
    value "keyboard.repeat_delay" int: 400;
    value "keyboard.repeat_rate" int: 25;

So i know at least where E is getting the slower numbers from. But
when does E use these values, and can i prevent it? Or, failing that,
is there anywhere in the Settings menus where i can change these
default values? I cannot seem to find any mention of repeat rate


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Cry like rain

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