   Layanan Informasi Aktual
Ambon, April 30, 2004

In this issue we provide an SOS message from the Bishop of Amboina in English and in Indonesian.


Herewith the Diocese of Amboina, Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia, addresses the UNITED NATIONS and ALL COUNTRIES in the world providing the following information:

1.       On April 25, 2004, a ceremony was held in Ambon on the occasion of the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of the South Moluccas (Republik Maluku Selatan – RMS). The police force of the Republic of Indonesia intervened, detained 24 people and secured them at the police headquarters to be interrogated.

2.       To a crowd of  RMS adherents, who had accompanied those detained, to the police headquarters, their way home was blocked by another crowd that called itself “Pro-NKRI” (NKRI = Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia = The Undivided Republic of Indonesia).

3.       That was the starting-point of severe turmoil in the city of Ambon which has been going on up to this moment.

4.       For five days on a row the turbulence has been going on, manifesting itself in the burning of houses and public facilities, killing of people, shooting all over the town and people’s fleeing for safety.

5.       Evaluating the latest condition of which there seems to be no way out and which causes much suffering to the civilians of the city of Ambon,


1.       To safeguard the rights of the people of Ambon to live in security in this city.

2.       To urge the Indonesian Government, particularly the Central Government, to put an end as soon as possible to:

A.     All mutual attacking between Muslim and Christian groups

B.     All burning and destroying of houses and public facilities.

3.       To help in caring for the victims of this violence, especially the refugees whose number is increasing day by day.

4.       If the violence cannot be stopped, to help and evacuate those Ambon people that want to live in peace, to places outside Ambon, outside the Moluccas or even outside Indonesia where they can live without fear or disturbance.

5.       To pray for the well-being of the citizens of Ambon.

Thus we make public this SOS message. For your kind solidarity with the people of Ambon we are most grateful. May God’s Blessing be upon all of us.

Ambon, April 30, 2004   

( signed )                                                         

Msgr. P.C. Mandagi MSC,

Bishop of Amboina



Keuskupan Amboina dengan ini menyampaikan kepada Perserikatan Bangsa – Bangsa (PBB) dan  Dunia Internasional bahwa:

1.       Pada tanggal 25 April 2004 telah terjadi upacara peringatan hari kemerdekaan republik Maluku Selatan (RMS). Kejadian ini telah ditangani oleh kepolisian Republik Indonesia, yakni 24 orang ditahan di Polda Maluku untuk diamankan dan dimintai keterangannya.

2.       Sekelompok massa pendukung RMS yang ikut dalam pawai RMS itu, dalam perjalanan kembali ke rumah, dihadang oleh kelompok lain yang menyebut dirinya “Pro – NKRI”.

3.       Sejak saat itulah kekacauan di kota Ambon bermula hingga hari ini.

4.       Setelah 5 hari berlangsung kerusuhan, telah terjadi pembakaran, pembunuhan dan penembakan dimana-mana, pengungsian besar-besaran.

5.       Membaca kondisi terakhir yang makin sulit dan mencekam kehidupan masyarakat kota Ambon ini,


1.       Turut melindungi hak-hak kami masyarakat Ambon untuk hidup aman di kota Ambon.

2.       Mendesak Pemerintah Indonesia, khususnya pemerintah pusat, untuk dalam waktu sesingkat-singkatnya menghentikan: (a) Kegiatan saling menyerang antar dua komunitas: Muslim dan Kristen; (b) Kegiatan membakar gedung-gedung dan rumah-rumah.

3.       Turut menangani korban-korban kekerasan, khususnya para pengungsi yang jumlahnya semakin besar.

4.       Bila kekerasan tidak bisa dihentikan, mengevakuasi masyarakat Ambon yang mau damai menuju tempat aman di luar Ambon, atau Propinsi Maluku, bahkan di luar Indonesia.

5.       Berdoa untuk keselamatan manusia di Ambon.

Demikian S.O.S ini dibuat untuk disebarkan. Atas solidaritasnya kami haturkan limpah terima kasih. Berkat Tuhan menyertai kita semua.

Ambon, 30 April 2004

Uskup Diosis Amboina

Mgr. P.C. Mandagi, MSC

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