On 10/16/2012 9:57 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 15 Oct 2012, at 16:14, Roger Clough wrote:

Hi Craig Weinberg

After looking at how computers make choices--
whether they are free or whatever-- I now see
that my previous position that computers have
no intelligence was not exactly right, because
they do have intelligence,  but it is different
from ours.  It is not free exactly but free to
act as long as it obeys reason.

Even ideal machines driven by reason have to face their irrationality when looking inward.

Dear Bruno,

I think this sentence of yours is in a deep sense wrong. We or ideal machines can never see or discover with only self-inspection or self-interviewing their own inconsistency! It would be an automatic solution of the solipsism problem (and your arithmetic body problem!) if true! We can only see our inconsistencies from reports of "other minds". The relation between G and G* in comp seems to indicate this idea... (unless I completely misunderstand it.)



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