 From: meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net>
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2013 4:43 PM
Subject: Re: When will a computer pass the Turing Test?

On 9/3/2013 3:43 PM, Chris de Morsella wrote:

By the way the brain produces high fidelity illusions for us most of our waking 
lives. For example the way we perceive our sight is very different from the 
intermittent stream of neural signals that begin their journey from our 
retinas. Did you know that every time you shift your eyes from one focus point 
to another that during the period of time the eyeball is in movement from one 
focus to the next no visual signals are being sent down the optic nerve. That 
if the brain was not producing an illusion for us the world we see should 
vanish each time we move our eyes (or blink them) Does the world disappear each 
time you blink or move your eyes? Of course it doesn't. Your mind maintains a 
steady and beautifully rendered illusion of the world in your mind that is 
seamlessly stitched into the new stream of optic signals as they arrive. There 
is no discontinuity.   

>> That seems to look at it the wrong way around.  Our model of the
    world is one in which objects are persistent even when we don't look
    at them.  That's a better model than one in which they only exist
    when we look at them.  So our brain is creating the better model
    instead of the worse.  I see no reason to call that an "illusion".

It is an illusion in the sense that it is manufactured by the brain. The brain 
fills in the gaps in the stream of visual signals with a manufactured world 
that does not in fact exist -- as a stream of in-coming sense data. But you are 
correct that it is a better way to model the world; I am not arguing that it 
isn't. I agree that evolution would favor a "vision" that did not suddenly 
switch off every time the eye stopped sending signals. My point is that the 
world we see is in many ways a manufactured illusion -- and model (we agree on 
that term) -- of the world.

The same is true for how when we turn our heads the world does not spin but 
rather our brain cleverly re-renders our visual world by changing our own inner 
viewpoint from which we perceive our sight -- as our brains have served it up 
to us. This is also a better way to model a change in the direction of vision. 
Instead of spinning the world as would be the case if the brain had not 
re-interpreted the visual data stream and re-rendered it in this alternate 
manner; we perceive our visual field as being stable and our perception of this 
stable field being the factor that shifts instead. This brain illusion -- after 
all, it is manufactured internally by the brain itself and is a different and 
highly interpretive rendition of the raw data going into the brain -- also 
seems a clearly superior way to model vision than the alternative of staying 
true to reality, which would have the world radically spin each time you 
shifted your gaze from here to there or
 turned your head... imagine how disorienting that would be.

We both agree that it makes evolutionary sense for the brain to model reality 
like it does -- in terms of these visual tricks the mind is doing. My point was 
that the mind is clearly capable of producing masterful illusions and does so 
each and every single day in healthy individuals. We depend on our minds innate 
ability to produce high fidelity illusions -- or models if you will -- of the 
underlying world that we are perceiving via our senses, and we depend on our 
conjuring mental acrobats each and every day of our lives.

In general, we need on our brains to filter out by far most of what impinges on 
our senses, and if it did not, we would suffer under a cacophony of sensorial 
overload. Our brains however are masters of illusion (or if you prefer of 
models that while tied to and dependent on reality are also fundamentally 
divergent form how reality would present to us if it were not reified by our 
brains into the way we sense it).


>When you turn your head from one side to the other does the world spin?  -- 
>the world around you is instead held in a majestic stability that is not real, 
>because it should be instead spinning as your head spins. Instead in our 
>perception the world stays stable and it is our "perspective" -- our inner 
>view -- that shifts. This makes sense from the point of view of the inner 
>observer, but the mind needs to do a lot of work to build the illusion. 
>Our brains are, grand masters of illusion and we live in illusion (a 
>reification of sensorial reality) all our waking lives.  
>The perfection of our visual illusion is a masterpiece of interpretive 
>processing where the raw signals we get are stitched together into a field of 
>view and a focus within that field of view that -- though it clearly is 
>reflective of our sensorial reality is also quite different; the "world" we 
>see is very different than the world as it is recorded on our eyeballs (even 
>to the extent of smoothly persisting without the barest hint of any 
>interruption even as our eyes are not seeing a single thing at all. 

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