On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 10:12 PM, John Mikes <jami...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Telmo, some 2+ decades ago I think I had a reason to avert from the topic
> called *panpsychism* (would be hard to recall it adequately now).
> As I remember I called the phenomenon covered by this misnomer
> PANSENSITIVITY (what I would not like to defend today anymore). Psych seems
> to me too 'human' to be applicable to the entire world (=Mme. Nature).
> Why would you reduce the MWI reflexibility into ourflimsy human
> brainfunctions?
> (Even i f  you extend them into <human?>  mentality total).


Maybe I used the term incorrectly. What I mean by panpsychism is that I
suspect that consciousness is a fundamental property of reality and not
generated at a higher level by neuron interactions. So I see no reason to
assume that my tea cup is not conscious, although I suspect that the
contents of its experience are null, so it's if it was. I don't see
consciousness as inherent to human beings. I am fully convinced that higher
animal, at least, are conscious just like us.


> On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 3:18 PM, Telmo Menezes <te...@telmomenezes.com>wrote:
>> On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 6:48 PM, <ghib...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Sunday, May 4, 2014 1:43:12 PM UTC+1, telmo_menezes wrote:
>>>> The machine:
>>>> http://existentialcomics.com/comic/1
>>>> Bad news from the doctor:
>>>> http://existentialcomics.com/comic/11
>>>> Turing test:
>>>> http://existentialcomics.com/comic/15
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Telmo.
>>> So where do you stand on this Telmo? I suppose I've rather raised my
>>> hopes that your answer, like mine, is not straight forward.
>> I have no explanation for consciousness. My current inclination is
>> panpsychism.
>>>   Maybe just because I'm just lonely since Liz walked out on me...this
>>> vague cloud of abstraction never seemed so cavernous when she was around,
>>> her 70's punk echoing through the  theory of nothing that - well you know
>>> itt wasn't a theory, but maybe  it wasn't nuthin' neither.
>> Hey, I like 70's punk rock too!
>>> Seriously, I saw a hint of scientific realism in something you said at
>>> some point. Nearly vanished but managed to block my ears when you started
>>> talking about consciousness not between the ears. Don't do that.
>> I believe that science is the only valid tool we have to understand
>> public reality. If you have a good "consciousness between the ears" theory
>> then... I'm all ears. Other theories are ok too. My position is that what
>> makes a theory scientific is it's falsifiability, that's all. It doesn't
>> matter how weird the theory sounds, it only matters if it makes valid
>> predictions or not. Common sense has been shown to be misleading many
>> times, and to an amazing degree with quantum mechanics.
>> I am not sure that consciousness will ever be investigated by science,
>> because I'm not sure it will ever be possible to measure it or test for
>> it's presence. In this case (or meanwhile), we have to make do with thought
>> experiments and introspection on private reality.
>> Telmo.
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