John Clark <> writes:

>​>>​ You have no evidence that mathematics is more fundamental than
>>> physics. None,

I'm his evidence. Unless I misunderstand Bruno's ideas, I am the
machine, ready to be interviewed for the laws of physics (when I don't
have something better to do).

I might not understand your questions: I am not a Chinese room and do
not speak Chinese, although I have a coworker in a neighboring cubicle
who does. Not sure which dialect but I could ask.

You might not understand my answers: words are metaphors for shared
experiences and I have experiences, namely certain quales which shall
remain nameless, which to my knowledge have never been experiences by
any other being. However, since introspection of some of these have
resulted in my ability to explain things I previously found myself
unable to explain, I have hope that some of them I will be able to
communicate. No telling which ones, though. It would be like explaining
red to Mary the color scientist while she's still in her room. Which may
or may not speak Chinese - only Mary might know, until Wigner opens it.

>     > ​I have better: a proof that if we are machine, then physics is a
>     modality on the arithmetical truth.
> ​Like hell you have!​

I'll wager some of my otherwise free time that I'm his proof.

>     What is indispensable ​is that anything that deserves the label
>     "God" must be a intelligent conscious omniscient omnipotent BEING

I used to call myself a theological noncognivitist, but I'm rethinking
that. I sometimes like to say that "God" is the thing which no two
people can agree on a definition of. However, in light of the
aforementioned incommitoday I decided I should revise that to be that
"God" is the thing which no two people can agree on the definition of
*yet*, as some recent trains of thought which recalled certain
experiences under the influence of a (legal) entheogenic compound have
suggested might be wise.

Nevertheless, by some definitions of "God" I might deserve that label
(and there are an infinite number, many unused). God groks, after all, I
am demonstrably intelligent and you will have to take my word for it at
the moment that I am conscious - however, in my view, since the Turing
test is as valid a test for consciousness as it is for intelligence, if
we continue to keep in touch you will be able to administer that test
yourself. Since, because of the Blockhead argument, the only truly valid
Turing test for consciousness is an infinite-duration one, that will
take quite some time. And if my path through observer-moments takes me
through them all (think the end of John P. Dworetsky's "The Illusion of
Death" but throw in the ideas of a strange loop and synesthesia and some
ideas I hope to get to expounding in the near future) I (and you) will
eventually be categorizable as omniscient and omnipotent in the sense of
having known everything knowable and done everything doable at one time
or another.

>     You can define God by the fundamental reality 
> ​That's true, you can try to get people to change the meaning of a
> word, but doing so would not be a exercise in philosophy or even
> theology, it would just be a exercise in vocabulary.

Do, or do not. There is no try.

> And the only reason for doing so would be if you were too cowardly to
> say "I don't believe in God".

No, I have an excellent reason for doing so, in fact I can name two off
the top of my head. One, I'd like to coopt catchy and memorable but
little-used words to name some of the aforementioned quales with no
name. Two, while word salad can be delicious and nutritious, ambiguity
can be a barrier to communication.

Also, meaning exists only in minds, so words, such as "inconceivable",
don't always mean what you think they mean, no matter how much you keep
using them.

> So now that "God" just means "stuff" you can ​
> ​proudly say "I believe in God" even if all you mean is "I believe in
> stuff". It all seems like a pretty stupid word game to me.

We are all educated stupid word animals.
Mark Buda <>
I get my monkeys for nothing and my chimps for free.

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