On Tue Feb 25, 2003 at 12:43:01AM -0500, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

> Precisely, and that is what I would like to know about.  Yes I know that
> historically Mandrake has had a 6 month release cycle.  However I have
> seen other projects much less complicated than the Mandrake distro
> tackled with much longer beta cycles, and most of the time the benefits
> were substantial.  So the question I have is, why the short beta cycle? 
> Is it because Red Hat does it too?  Take for example the distro
> obsolescence announcement that RH put out not too long ago.  It did not
> escape me that Mandrake turned around and made the same move shortly
> thereafter.

Just needed to comment on this quickly.  I've actually brought up an EOL
policy at the time that 9.0 and 8.2, and possibly even 8.1, came out
(internally, of course).  At that time the load wasn't quite so high, so
RH's announcement being a month ahead of ours is more coincidence than
anything, although it did help make my point.  =)  It should have happened a
year ago, and would have happened within 6mos anyways... the RH announcement
helped drive home a point I've been making for over a year.

So we are not quite so "followers" of RH as you might think.  For the
release timeframes, both distribs work on a 6mos cycle, so it shouldn't be
overly surprising that they they are fairly close.  SuSE already releases
~1-2mos around us as well.  I don't draw any conclusions from that other
than the fact they work on a similar cycle.
MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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